
maandag 18 maart 2013

Jisei review

Hey blog readerssssss ^^,

Today I’m going to talk about a visual novel. I don’t know if you are know with that type of game so here is  a short explanation. A visual novel game is a game where you can make choices to get a different ending. It is actually a kind of book but then in game format, with beautiful anime like graphics and music which fits the game. Well that’s actually a visual novel. And you have different kinds of them ;) this one is a mystery visual novel with a little bit of fantasy.

Well the story is about a boy named ??? ... yes that’s his name: ??? . You don’t get his name in the game, which is also a mystery. Well about ???, he has the ability to experience the way how people die... yes not the most happy gift you can get. This means when someone dies he feels it too, how it happens but without the dying. With this gift he can solve murders... but this is actually his first case. Well the story begins when he woke up in a coffee story, he feels sick and wants to go to the toilets. But when he goes he sees a woman lying on the floor and feels how she died... and this is how to story begins... You have to play it to know how it ends... And I want to tell you.. you really want to know how it ends.
The story is really great written and the characters too, they really fit the story and are not randomly thrown into the game. It is an intriguing story which keeps you interesting in the game till the end. I didn’t want it to end.... but unfortunately ... it did :’( .... whyyyyyy

The game has a bunch of very interesting characters here is a little summary about them.

Well I have already told you a little bit about him, and I don’t want to spoil everything so let’s just keep it with the basics. He is a boy who is wandering for the past 3 years.. why? Well just play the game ;) Ohw before I forget... he has the ability to relive the death of people who are at close distance from him or who he touches... Yes he touches dead people =.= I know.... please I don’t want to answer to this...

Chance Jackson,
At first glance a really nice girl ^^ .. She only has a few angry issues... but who cares right ^^ teehee. Well she works at the coffee shop where the crime takes place and dreams to be a famous singer.. So please don’t insult her singing voice 0.0 just don’t....

Jennifer Bergstrom,
This is your typical business woman, well the stereo type actually ;) She is often described as someone who is always in a hurry and you really don’t want to get at her bad side 0.0. Well what to tell about here... she has a short temper and is very serious and strict. She doesn’t like to be in a murder investigation.. probably because she is in a hurry =.= 

Mikolaj Gurski,
He is the cop ^^ yes yes there is a cop .. woohoo not al hope is lost (a). But the off thing is .. he is off duty 0.0 .. yes I know what a coincidence, how come he is there at the crime scene but is off duty. Hmmm such a mystery. Well he is actually kind of nice ^^ well except he wants to hold you for 48 hours a few times... but who cares right XD... .... .... Well... I do actually T.T

Kizaki Suitani,
This is your typical college boy ^^ well... he looks like one XD I don’t know what a typical college boy is like (a). He is a really nice and shy person... seriously shy 0.0 I mean seriously. He claims that he comes here all the time (at the coffee shop) ... but nobody ever saw him. Hmmm curious... indeed... 

Well I really really really loved the graphics ^^ I mean seriously.. so good 0.0 I like the anime/manga feeling of the game. The characters are really well drawn and look professional. Even the expressions look nice ^^ you can’t say that in every visual novel. There are a few cut scenes and they are also nicely drawn ^^ teehee I have nothing bad to say about the graphics... I seriously love them... really... really... 0.0 please learn me how to draw like that 0.0

Alright to the music then shall we ;) Hmmm I think the music which played at the background really fitted the game. It’s kind of eery at the right times and nice and relaxed at the other times. I like the eery music at the murder scene ^^ and when the case get’s exiting ^^ so nice... and then there sometimes is a screech and your shoulders are just going to the sealing XD and then you have a flying koala XD.
Also a nice thing about the game is the use of voices ^^ .. yes yes all the lines of the characters except ??? are spoken. And the voice actors did a great job ^^ it was nice to hear them say the lines .. that way you could really get inside the story and enjoy the game. So that is definitely a big bones point ;) 

Well I think I annoyed you enough with my talking (well writing but talking sounds easier XD ) so my last tip is to play the game ^^ It is really worth it. If you like thrillers and visual novels (or just books and games) then you are certainly going to enjoy this game. I am a Koala and I really approve this game. So I would just say... PLAY THIS GAME ^^

Hope you enjoyed this little review and for the link to the developers site please click here:

- KoalaThingy

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