
About me

Hey KoalaThingy here,

I thought it would be nice to tell a little about my self ;)
Well here I go then: I'm an 18 year old girl who lives in the Netherlands and is still in Highschool but I am almost done with it .... only a few months 0.0 scaryyyyyyy....... weeeeeeee I'm scared ...

As you already would have guessed I love to play video games. I play almost every kind of game. My favourite are adventure games, but I am also a fan of shooters I especially liked far cry 3. Also Skyrim is on top of my lists... and there are many more games I play.... But I think that would me a reaaaaaallllyyyyy long ist... and I don't want to bore you :$

Well what's more to tell... hmmmm let me think... Wel hobbys then I guess...
I really love to watch movies, tv series, animal documentaries and animes... Seriously love animes (a)... maybe I'm a little addicted :$ hihi... Also I'm a giant book wurm.. cause I seriously have never enough time for the books I want to read. I mean I have still 10 books I have to read 0.0 .... But currently I'm reading the fourth book of the book serie: a song of ice and fire.. Written by George R Martin. And ofcourse I love to read manga ;)

Sports, well I also really love sports. I play football and love to run. And of course many more ;) but again don't want to bore you.

So I hope this is enough information about the Koala who is writing the reviews here. And if there are any more questions I would love to hear them ;) Don't be ashamed to send a mail.

- KoalaThingy

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