
dinsdag 5 maart 2013

Plants vs Zombies review

Hello blog reading people,

Today a review about a not so very new game but very awesome game, yes it is about Plants vs Zombies. Before I started playing this game I heard a lot about it but never thought about playing it myself. It sounded like a pretty boring game but I really really but seriously reallyyyyyy liked this game ^^. And I want to share my happiness with you guys ^^ cause I seriously can play this game for hours without realizing the time and that is not something I have with a lot of games.

Well there is not actually a story in it. Zombies are attacking your house and you have to protect it. Well you have to protect your house and your land-mowers which sounds pretty funny I know. That’s actually your goal ;) don’t let the zombies attack your house. 

I think the graphics in the game are really great. I know they are not the best graphics ever but the drawings of the zombies and of the plants are just hilarious. I enjoyed watching al the types of zombies and plants they are all different and with different abilities.

I think the music fitted the game very well. It was simple but nice and every stage has it’s own music. The zombies make sounds that’s also nice because if they were not..... it would be sooooooo boring 0.0 I mean seriously .... zombies who doesn’t make any noise.... who wants that -.-‘ no one right?

It is a great game for beginners because the gameplay is really simple, you only use your computer mouse. And you drag and drop the plants to defent your home. That sounds pretty boring I know. But because of the different plants and the different zombies you have to think and base a tactic how to win the level. The levels begin really simple but the longer you play the harder they get. 
Also a nice thing is that how further you get with the game the more you discover. Every stage (I mean stage not level) has different things to discover so I would say try it.

I hope you enjoyed this small review of this awesome game. And hope to see you around ;) thanks for reading and if you want to watch a play through of the game please watch my video.

The game developer is PopCap and this is their site: 
And you can if you like subscribe to my youtube channel   

- KoalaThingy  

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